We have three different types of tournaments: "Quick Tournament", "Classic Tournament" and "Custom Promotional Tournament". The "Quick Tournament" is made up of 8 players. Once the player count is complete, the tournament starts and the players are distributed at random. The tournament is two rounds: semi final and final. The "Classic Tournament" is made up of 16 players. Once the player count is complete, the tournament starts and the players are distributed at random. The tournament is three rounds: quarter final, semi final and final. The "Custom Promotional Tournament" does not have a limit on the player count, so long as they're a multiple of 4. The tournament has a set time, usually 2 or 3 hours, and during that time, you need to get as many points as possible by winning as many games as possible. The rules for this tournament are usually there for you to read. Please be sure to stay in the tournament rooms so long as the tournaments are in progress. For more information check this video
What are tournaments, and how do I join?
Last Updated: 687d